Student Center

Illinois Central College, Peoria, Illinois

The Student Center serves as a crossroads of the campus, linking students and staff of different programs, creating a destination. Designers explored various ways of connecting four existing academic buildings to create a campus heart.The design solution helps to create a space that reflects ICC’s Core Values: Learning, Community, Integrity, Responsibility, and Excellence.

  • Library
  • Tutoring Center
  • Bookstore
  • Conference Spaces
  • Dining Space
  • Offices for Student Clubs
The Challenge

Provide a Student Life Hub for an urban community college campus, that is utilizing a former mental health institution.

The Solution

The student center connects the four academic buildings to create a campus crossroads. It features 45,000 s.f. of student amenity spaces. ​The glassy, open, two-story building is a new anchor point and acts as a gathering place for students to learn, socialize, dine and shop.