Aaron Merchant

Architectural Intern

Like many of his colleagues at BLDD, Aaron knew that architecture was his calling from a young age, though it wasn't until later in his career that he discovered his passion for integrated design, sustainability, and environment-behavior. In a profession that at times has faced criticism for being too techno-centric, Aaron believes strongly in the value of architecture's human dimension and strives to bring this sensibility to every project.

Get To Know Me
Go to way to eat an Oreo
Dunk 'em in cold milk until they're on the verge of falling apart and sinking to the bottom of the glass!
If you could own any car in the world, what would it be?
Easy, it would have to be Inspector Gadget's "Gadgetmobile"...it can fly, it can travel both over and under water, and it has that awesome scissor lift suspension that can lift the car above traffic!
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Are you still considered a night owl if you're in bed before midnight?