Damien Schlitt

Principal | Director of K-12 Education Design

Since joining the firm in 2007, Damien has been highly engaged in a variety of PK-12 work across the company. His focus and passion relate to long range facility planning, community engagement, user engagement and programming, and design and planning of PK-12 facilities. As co-director of BLDD's PK-12 design group, Damien continues to push the ways the firm thinks about design solutions for our clients. This includes deeply understanding user needs when programming a facility, rigorous understanding of the functionality of our facilities to provide cost effective design solutions, and listening to district's or communities as a whole to understand the underlying wants, needs and desires to assist in uncovering solutions that accomplish goals and aspirations often thought to be impossible.

Get To Know Me
What do you wish you could spend more time on?
I have a passion for building things - in particular working with wood. If I had more time, and once I retire, I would love to explore the art and science of furniture building. My grandfather was a master craftsman and I truly believe it is in my blood to make things that are useful for people.
Favorite project
While I truly love all of my clients and the great work we have done, I have to reflect on Waltham Elementary School as my favorite. Not only is the design beautiful and the client loves it, but the way that project came together holds a special place for me. From meeting with educators that were doing things differently, and the way those teacher's decided that day - "we have to re-think how we teach" I knew this would be special. The flexibility and willingness of that district to teach differently, to change the way they operate on a daily basis is extremely exciting to see!
Unofficial work title
Sneaker Architect - I enjoy the beauty of great shoe design, and enjoy collecting many of my favorites!