Kayla Peck

Architectural Designer | K-12 Community Engagement Expert

Kayla's interest in architecture sparked in high school when BLDD implemented a new master plan at her school, Meridian. She pursued her passion at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, specializing in detail fabrication and spending extensive time in the woodshop and fabrication lab. Kayla interned at BLDD during summers, gaining insight into the impact of school design on learning environments. Now, her work primarily focuses on K-12 design, collaborating with school districts to reimagine facilities that support evolving educational approaches.

Get To Know Me
What are three items on your bucket list?
See the northern lights, (re)learn how to play the piano, build the ultimate crafter's workshop
Best way to spend a weekend
Crafting or gardening, shopping for crafting or gardening supplies, watching videos of people crafting or gardening.... and a movie marathon at night!
If you could be any cocktail at a bar, what would it be and why?
Moscow Mule - tangy, not too sweet, and in a shiny copper mug that may or may not be useful but sure is fun!