Nelson Musyoka

Architectural Intern

Nelsons first official job was as a part-time high school teacher in a village called Mulinde, Kenya, where he taught English, Business, and C.R.E. After moving to Chicago to study architecture in 2014, he worked as an in-patient pharmacy technician for two years, and this was where he learned the true meaning of working under pressure. After transferring to SIUC, Nelson was a student worker in the gallery at the School of Architecture, where he helped his professor with design and organization.

Get To Know Me
Best advice you’ve ever received
"Never forget where you come from, nor the people that helped you get to where you are."
What makes BLDD different?
The accommodating work culture and comradery is motivation enough to make one put in their best effort, and the work flexibility offers opportunity for a better work-life balance as well as professional advancement.
If you could be any cocktail at a bar, what would it be and why?
Moscow Mule, because I get served in a copper cup and I do my job really well.