Ryan Ayres

Architectural Intern

Ryan first joined BLDD as an intern, gaining invaluable hands-on experience in the field. This immersive opportunity allowed him to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting and sparked his passion for the profession. After completing his Master of Architecture degree at Judson University, Ryan returned to BLDD full-time, eager to contribute his skills and creativity.

Ryan thrives on the design aspect of architecture, where he can merge aesthetics, functionality, and innovation. He is also deeply interested in the technical intricacies of building systems and construction, constantly seeking to expand his understanding of how designs come to life. Ryan's blend of design talent and technical curiosity makes him a well-rounded asset to the BLDD team. He is excited to continue growing as a professional and making meaningful contributions to projects.

Get To Know Me
If you had to sing one song for karaoke, what would it be?
Happy Birthday
Favorite way to cope with Chicago/St. Louis traffic?
Take the train
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night Owl