Chris Lee

Interior Designer

While having been trained as an interior designer, Chris embraces all aspects of architecture and believes a holistic approach to whole building design produces the most successful projects. He particularly enjoys the blending of creative expression with technical science that is at the root of architecture. Chris specialized in retail design for the first third of his career, and the latter half has found him building an expertise in the senior housing world, where he is continually inspired by the nurturing spirit that is ingrained there.

Get To Know Me
What profession would you do if not X?
If not an architectural designer, I would be a professional saxophonist and music teacher
Who's your celebrity doppelgänger?
My wife says Jason Bateman or John Corbett as Aidan in Sex & the City
If you could bring back to life one person in history, who would it be and why?
My pop-pop...would have loved to got to know him as an adult.