Rachel Emmons

Software Solutions Developer + Data Analyst

As a data-driven expert with a keen mind for numbers and a knack for creative problem-solving, Cost/Benefit (QLEO) Analyst Rachel Emmons excels at analyzing community metrics to provide a clear vision for the best solutions. Her invaluable role in developing and performing QLEO analyses with BLDD's cost/benefit tool is instrumental in shaping master plan solutions.

Get To Know Me
Unofficial work title
Director of Efficiency
What makes BLDD different?
In previous jobs, things were always expected to be done in a very prescribed way, regardless of who was doing them or what the outcome was. I was very pleasantly surprised when BLDD told me it was ok to think with my own brain. Now I not only find ways to do things that work best for me, but I can also help create ways for other people to do things that work for them.
What profession would you do if not X?
I'd kinda like to be Penelope from Criminal Minds or Abby from NCIS, but instead of solving crimes, I'd be part of a team of people that were the absolute best at creating software.