Candace Furgeson

Senior Interior Designer

Fascinated by the emotional impact that the interior environment can have on people, Candace loves how a well-designed space can energize and invigorate, soothe and comfort, cheer and uplift, inform and inspire. She enjoys entering a client's world to learn about daily activities and concerns, and designing interiors that will make life easier, more pleasant and productive for them. The opportunity to provide positive experiences for people--students, patients, professionals, and other members of the community--is what makes Candace want to come to work every day.

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Get To Know Me
Best advice you've ever received
It came in the form of a quote: "People who will accept nothing less than perfection accomplish very little in the world." So true! It helps me fight time-consuming and self-defeating perfectionist tendencies in all areas of life.
What profession would you do if not X?
I'd love to be one of those people who selects the soundtrack and background music for films. It's all about enhancing an experience and eliciting a desired response; but so is Interior Design and that's why I love it!
Hidden passion, talent or superpower
I take ukelele lessons. Note that I did not say I "play" the ukelele. I just take lessons to exercise my brain and stretch my creative side.