Mahomet-Seymour High School

Mahomet-Seymour CUSD #3 | Mahomet, Illinois

The new high school addition provides flexible spaces with more than one function. Moveable walls, reconfigurable furniture, shared faculty offices, and multi-functional spaces create a 21st-century learning environment in a smaller footprint.

Collaboration and coming together were a major focus in the arrangement of the educational spaces. The learning environments extend out of the classrooms and into the lobby and corridor providing a full complement of learning settings, establishing a student-centered learning environment.

  • 4 Science Rooms
  • Expanded Administrative Areas
  • 39,000 Square Foot Field House
  • Weight Room & Locker Room
  • Band Room
  • Choral Room
The Challenge

How do we increase space utilization for modern learning when 60% of the existing 1922 high school spaces were underused?

The Solution

Utilizing a design thinking process, BLDD worked with educators and the community to create conceptual spaces to solve the high school's existing problems. This led to a "hacked" environment, where students and faculty tested prototyped rooms to gather feedback for the most effective, solutions-based designs for the new space.