Jacquet Middle School

Fort Worth ISD | Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Independent School District’s Jacquet Middle School is receiving much-needed updates and renovations to create a safe, flexible campus while increasing the facility’s capacity. The 110,000 s.f. renovation includes connecting two additions from 1988 and 2008 and adding office administration space to create a secured entry.

Through the renovation, the school gained space for science labs on the second floor and a media center was created in the old shop/art lab. A 30,000 s.f. addition creates a performance arts space and a math addition. A multi-purpose dining area has been created to support community events and connect to the community’s history while looking forward to the future.

Color differentiation was used throughout the environmental graphics to help improve wayfinding and create a sense of community throughout the spaces. Changes in color in the exterior and interior create visual movement throughout the spaces and horizontal sunshades replaced operable windows to give the facility more natural light than before.

  • Renovation & Additions
  • Performance Arts Space
  • Media Center
  • Secured Entry
The Challenge

While the district sought upgrades to meet their growing education system, they also needed to update their security to create a safer environment for students and staff. 

The Solution

The district will receieve a new secured entry, a multi-purpose dining area, and several classroom additions to prepare for growth for the future.