Old Main

Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Old Main is not only an icon on Augustana College’s Rock Island campus, but it's also home to Liberal Arts department, classrooms and office spaces. To preserve this collegiate focal point, Old Main underwent an exterior restoration to refurbish the building to its original character.  

After the exterior restoration was completed, the entire facility underwent an interior remodeling. To complete the interior renovations in one phase, the building was vacated for construction. 

  • Masonry Restoration
  • Roof Replacement
  • Restoration of the Historic Dome
  • Roofing
  • Windows
  • Stairs
  • Carillon System
  • Guilding
  • Painting
  • Timber Carpentry
The Challenge

How do we preserve this collegiate focal point to refurbish the building to its original character?

The Solution

A two-phase approach began with the restoration of the facade and dome. In Phase 1, an exterior lighting design was used to illuminate and enhance the prominence of the facility on campus. The second phase included a commitment to the interior development of academic areas that support students' education and student life.