The BLDD Buzz

The key to navigating the aftermath of a lost referendum lies in embracing a powerful approach: authentic community engagement. This is about more than just checking a box or gathering token feedback. It's about harnessing the wisdom of the community itself to shape the future.

Your facilities require continued investments to meet the varying demands of census change, evolving models of care delivery, and infrastructure maintenance. However, determining the optimal investment strategy can be complex. We understand that with so many variables at play, making the right choice can be difficult. Enter: QLEO master plan modeling and analysis software.

Every district, campus, and facility is unique, which means the planning process isn't one-size-fits-all. A customized facility plan (or master plan) based on your district needs and budget can help you identify the smartest path for long-term success. Keep reading to learn 7 ways a long-range facility plan will help your team!

Let’s be honest, there’s a reason the phrase “leave it to the pros” exists. Most of us can spot a DIY architecture project from a mile away, but we also know that looks aren’t all that matter. Whether you’re dreaming of a new facility or planning a renovation to your current buildings, hiring an architect can be one of the smartest investments you can make.

When it comes to designing performance spaces like theatres, auditoriums, or concert halls, you need an expert at your side. BLDD Architects has more than 90 years of experience in helping educators, churches, and communities bring the stage to life for audiences, big and small.

To celebrate Read Across America day, we wanted to highlight the current innovative trends that are bringing school libraries and media centers to LIFE. Once a quiet museum for books, school libraries are transforming to support the whole student.

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